Spanish Phrases for Respiratory Therapists

Spanish Phrases for Respiratory Therapists
Quick and dirty spanish thats easy to remember

Are you in pain?
Tiene algún dolor (or just "Tiene dolor?")
Pronounced: Tee-in-ae Al-goon Doh-lor

Take a deep breath
Respira profundo
Pronounced: Res-pida pro-foondo

Take a deep breath and cough
Respira profundo y la tos
Pronounced: Res-pida pro-foondo ee la tos-ae

This medicine helps make breathing easier.
Esta medicina ayuda a respirar menos trabajo.
Pronounced: Es-tah med-icin-a ae-you-dah a res-pidar (or just say res-pida) men-ohs tra-bah-ho

Do you need anything?
Necesitas algo?
Pronounced: Ness-a-seetas al-go
If yes, and you can't understand what they want, it might be something complex, so call for a translator.

Do you have any questions? If yes, call for a translator.
Tiene preguntas?
Pronounced: Tee-in-ae pre-goon-tas

For help press this red button for help. (while pointing at the nurse call button)
Por ayuda pulsar el botón rojo.
Poor ae-you-dah pul-sar boo-tun roe-hoe

My name is _____________
Mi nombre es ____________, or mi llamo es ____________

I am a respiratory therapist
Yo soy terapeutas respiratorio.
Yo soy tera-peu-tas respir-a-torio

1 comment:

  1. If you’re considering pursuing a career as a respiratory therapist, keep in mind that there are two levels that you can achieve as a therapist. Click here
